Come share with your child the joy of discovery! Participate in your child’s developmental process in an organized small group setting. Children will learn through concrete experiences at their own pace in our colorful, carefully prepared classroom while interacting with their peers.
Will include free play with Mom/Nanny or Caregiver, Circle Time, Song Time, Finger Play, Flannel Board, Stories, Crafts, Baking.
The class is run by an instructor and two assistants who plan all activities. All supplies are provided by the Community House.
Your child’s name must be placed on a waiting list in advance of registration, which begins in May for September (1st. Session). Your child must be 1 year 6 months by September of entry. Class Size is limited to 18-22 children with a parent or nanny. A caregiver must accompany each child.
SESSIONS – 2 Sessions (16 weeks each) from September to June for a total of 32 weeks
HOURS -Tuesday 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Fee and Schedule on Request.